
MMR strives to be a provider of quality market research services and a firm that clients rely for their market research needs.


To enable clients to connect with the right customers, gather accurate customer response and provide insights.


Responsibility, Integrity, Excellence, Innovative, Simplicity and Promptness are our core values.

We believe that our work is important  – hence ensure quality is maintained at every stage.

We Are Different

We have a strong commitment to high quality project execution, monitoring and quality research insights

We have SOP’s in place

Translation checks

Pilot prior to fieldwork

Field Accompaniments with every interviewer

Supervisor & Field Manager checks.

Quality Checks

Responded profile checks
Data check

Insightful Presentation

Presentation are thoughtful and incisive

Management Reviews

Management closely monitors  field quality to ensure data  assimilation is as stipulated protocol

Data Analytics

Logical checks by researcher

Outliers identified through Analytics and excluded from the data

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